Article name Myth-creation about China on the Territory of the Russian-Chinese Border as a Subject of Scientific Discourse
Authors Kononov S.V.Candidate of Philosophy
Bibliographic description Kononov S. V. Myth-creation about China on the Terri- tory of the Russian-Chinese Border as a Subject of Scientific Discourse // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philosophy. Cultur- al Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 2. P. 104–111.
UDK 304.9
Article type
Annotation The paper analyzes an urgent problem of understanding the processes of China’s perception by the population of the Russian-Chinese border areas. The author notes that a specific direction in Sinology has been developed and it is connected with the study of the reception of images of China. The object sphere of these researches aims to explore the consciousness of the Russians who are in the sphere of China influence, the subject of the researches is the images of China, spread at the level of mass consciousness. One aspect of the research is the projection of images, designed as a part of Chinese culture and distributed by China among the non-Chinese population. Another aspect is presented by the reception of images of China, being reproduced and distributed by the Russians in Russia. In general, the analysis of the literature and sources mentioned allows the author to prove that a large number of authors writing about the image of China tend to identify Chinese images and Chinese reality not taking into account the fact that the images are usually the result of myth-creation activity of certain subjects of political, economic or cultural effects. The author notes that the main discourse around the image of China is devoted to an attempt to clarify the nature of China’s influence on Russia. In the context of that process the “alarmist” and “pragmatic” images of China opposed to each other are discussed. Besides, it is necessary to analyze myth-creation and design activity of forces that have political and other purposes in connection with the spread of certain types of myth-creation about China. The author proves that most of the authors who dealt with the perception of images of China touched only the Chinese theme in the discussion of all-Russian and international trends. At the same time, a special study of myth-creation about China on the territory of the Russian-Chinese border has not been carried out.
Key words Transbaikalia, image of China, Chinese images, myth-creation about China, “pragmatism”, “alarmism”, reception of images
Article information
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Full articleMyth-creation about China on the Territory of the Russian-Chinese Border as a Subject of Scientific Discourse