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Article name | Structural and Content Elements of “Duende” Phenomenon in Sociocultural Representation of a Spanish Flamenco Dance |
Authors | Kucherenko A.L.Postgraduate Student, |
Bibliographic description | Kucherenko A. L., Konopleva N. A. Structural and Content Elements of “Duende” Phenomenon in Sociocultural Representation of a Spanish Flamenco Dance // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 2. P. 112–119. |
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DOI | |
UDK | 793.31(460) |
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Annotation | The article reveals the essence and a content structure of “duende” phenomenon, which is a culmination point of flamenco dance, its “spirit”. According to the professional performers and researchers (А. P. Claramunt, R. Molina, A. G. Climent, E. M. Andy, F. G. Lorca and others), flamenco dance is not possible without “duende”. In Spanish folklore “duende” is understood as “a superficial creature, spirit, invisible being”. In relation to flamenco art, “duende” is called “a black devil of inspiration” – a specific state of mind characterized by an emotional uplift and trance of a dancer during performing.Meanwhile, despite the importance of this phenomenon for the art of flamenco, up to the present times there has not been a scientific definition of “duende” and analyses of its structural elements. The article presents the outcomes of the research, describing and justifying the discovered “duende” elements. The article is the first to present a structural model of “duende” consisting of five components: creative imagination, inspiration, emotion return, improvisation and trance. A special viewer’s feedback, i. e. catharsis is considered as a criterion of “duende” expression during its performance. The article analyzes each “duende” component and concludes that a “duende” mode occurs in the result of the primary and secondary psychological processes based on the conscious and unconscious principles of a performer, synthesis of mentality and feelings. |
Key words | flamenco dance, duende, spirit, improvisation, inspiration, imagination, emotions, trance, the unconscious |
Article information | |
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Full article | Structural and Content Elements of “Duende” Phenomenon in Sociocultural Representation of a Spanish Flamenco Dance |