Article name Civilization Approach to the Study of Steppe Culture
Authors Liga M.B.Doctor of Sociology, Professor
Gomboeva M.I.Doctor of Culturology, Professor
Hukhe Mandula ..Intern huheman1986
Bibliographic description Liga M. B., Gomboeva M. I., Hukhe Mandula. Civilization Approach to the Study of Steppe Culture // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 2. P. 120–128.
DOI 10.21209/2307-1826-2016-11-2-120-128
UDK 947(075.8)
Article type
Annotation The processes of modernization and transformation taking place in the economic sphere of the Chinese society in the late decades of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century have had an impact on all spheres of life, including the traditional culture. No one doubts that the traditional culture in its original version exists almost nowhere today; an exception may be the culture of people living in difficult environmental conditions. Transformation of cultural values, appearance of out-of-regional, extra-ethnic cultural forms are certainly influenced by globalization, which has affected not only the economy and politics but also culture. Change in the traditional culture and its forms is also affected by the technology of mastering the surrounding environment and active human intervention in nature. Destroying nature, man destroys himself, his culture, because it interacts with nature in the course of not only economic activity but also cultural one. Topicality of the study of Hulunbuir steppe culture in civilization-historical and contemporary aspects is caused by both objective and subjective factors, such as degradation of the steppe ecosystem as the condition that determines the dynamics of the steppe peoples’ culture; anthropogenic transformation of nature in the process of active use in order to maximize economic benefits; change in the traditional way of the representatives of the steppe culture taking place under the influence of these processes; life quality deterioration of Hulunbuir steppe inhabitants. In recent years, there have been scientific works studying various aspects of preservation of traditional culture, the main trends of its development, the role and place in the history of civilization.
Key words steppe culture, nomadic culture, nomad civilization, civilization approach
Article information
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