Article name Researches of the Influence of German Culture on the Development of Transbaikalia
Authors Sokolov A.Y.Doctoral Candidate
Bibliographic description Sokolov A. Yu. Researches of the Influence of German Culture on the Development of Transbaikalia // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philosophy, Cultural Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 2. P. 129–136.
UDK 316.34
Article type
Annotation The paper is devoted to an attempt to analyze the researches of social development and culture of the Transbaikal Germans in the context of comparison with the problems of German culture studies in Russia and Siberia. The author notes that the understanding of the German influence on the development of Transbaikalia is an urgent problem, as the Germans have played a significant role in the development of the region. At the same time, the aspects of this influence are reflected in the publications and researches. The research methodology based on a comparative analysis promotes the belief that the problem of history and culture of the Germans in Transbaikalia does not exist outside the all-Russian problems of the Russian Germans’ culture study. At the same time, there is a specificity that distinguishes the peculiarities of the Germans’ stay beyond Lake Baikal. The paper reveals the structure of scientific and journalistic descriptions of the Germans in Transbaikalia, which includes the works of ethnographers interested in fixing the phenomena that seem unusual and worthy of attention; regional representatives of German culture who living on the territory of Transbaikalia try to understand their origin and identity; researchers of anthropological directions that conduct observations after the modern processes of migration and cultural dialogue in the region; Transbaikal media acting as a source of information material on the processes of modern revival of German culture in Transbaikalia. The result of the work is the belief of the author that a regional study of the Germans in the conditions of Transbaikalia should be based on a methodological basis, which has been accumulated by this time, in the framework of the Germans living in Russian and Siberian environment, study from the view of foreign and Russian science aimed at understanding of socio-economic, legal and cultural aspects of German colonization in Russia, survival of the Germans in the Soviet Union and the German revival and German exile in post-Soviet Russia.
Key words Transbaikalia, Russian Germans, Transbaikal Germans, history of the Germans in Transbaikalia, researches of the Germans, Transbaikal historiography of German culture
Article information
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Full articleResearches of the Influence of German Culture on the Development of Transbaikalia