Article name Research of N. V. Gogol’s Works in China
Authors Zhou Xiaowei ..Lecturer
Bibliographic description Zhou Xiaowei. Research of N.V. Gogol’s Works in China // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 2. P. 143–147.
UDK 821.161.1
Article type
Annotation N. V. Gogol’s humor and satire are very unique. Criticism of the society in his writings with the use of irony attracts interest of the vast majority of scholars in China. As a result, a lot of people in China analyze and compare his works with works of Chinese writers. It is through this analysis and comparison that the significance of N. V. Gogol’s work in Chinese culture can be seen. This paper examines N. V. Gogol’s social status and the influence his work has on Chinese literature. First, the author outlines that one of the reasons why N. V. Gogol’s compositions are so famous in Chinese literature and culture is that they have a nationalistic tone to them. Both Russian and Chinese cultures hold great admiration towards writers with nationalistic works. Second, the paper shows the importance of N. V. Gogol’s compositions through the examples of the researches conducted by other Chinese scholars. Finally, a comparison is made between N. V. Gogol’s writing style and that of a Chinese writer Lu Xun and great influence of their works on both Russian and Chinese culture and literature.
Key words nationality, culture, intercultural communication, language features, comparison
Article information
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