Article name Factor Analysis of Mongolian Religiousness Formation
Authors Zhukov A.V.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Bibliographic description Zhukov A. V. Factor Analysis of Mongolian Religiousness Formation // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 2. P. 154–160.
DOI 10.21209/2307-1826-2016-11-2-154-160
UDK 299.4
Article type
Annotation The paper presents an attempt of factor, historical and evolutionary analysis of Mongolian religiousness formation, which aims to show that the leading factor in this process is the geopolitical position of Central Asia as a zone of ethnicities and civilizations’ contact, as well as nomadism formation as the basis of nomadic culture. The novelty of the work lies in the position that mixing of initially different traditions has become the basis of Mongolian religiousness, the ceremonial foundation of which was due to the formation of mythology and pantheon with a strictly ordered hierarchy of deities. The author’s hypothesis is included in pointing out that the effectiveness of the impact on the Mongolian religiousness depends on the degree and duration of influence on ethnic environment, as well as compliance and ability to assimilate religious ideas of traditional Mongolian ideology. The theoretical significance of the paper is to develop ideas on the bilateral process of interaction between Mongolian religiousness, which on the one hand is exposed to the socio-caused influences from the direction of organized religions, and on the other hand, it affects the religions, which interacted with it by means of perception of only those elements that are adapted to the maximum to regional and ethnic conditions. The practical significance of this paper is to analyze and assess current religious situation in the Mongolian environment where a significant place is occupied by religious ideas associated with the influence of globalized culture and fulfilling political and economic functions. However, as the author shows, re-actualization of tradition in Mongolian transforms them into the cult of Genghis Khan, Tengri, practice of Buddhism and shamanism, which continue to personalize the Mongolian idea and religiousness under the changing conditions.
Key words Mongolian religiousness, Central Asia, religious tradition of Genghis Khan, Tengri, Buddhism, Shamanism
Article information
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