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Article name | Characteristics of Protestant Missionary Activity in China |
Authors | Romanenko T.V.Postgraduate Student |
Bibliographic description | Romanenko T. V. Characteristics of Protestant Missionary Activity in China // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 2. P. 167–171. |
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UDK | 274(510 Кит) |
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Annotation | History of distribution and development of Protestantism and other Christian missions in China is the pressing issue today. Modern researchers make a comprehensive analysis of Protestant missions in China in different historical periods. First, they want to reveal characteristic features of Protestant missions and the missionary approach to the sermons as well as where and whom the Protestants preached to. Second, they want to understand how the Protestants are operating, where and whom Protestant missionaries will draw their attention to, and what position they are claiming today. Having compared Russian, Chinese and Western researchers’ opinions, we can get a full picture of Protestant missionary work in China and judge in what way Protestantism has contributed to openness of China. |
Key words | Protestantism, history of Protestantism penetration, missionary activities of Protestants |
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Full article | Characteristics of Protestant Missionary Activity in China |