Article name The Conceptual Aspects of Religiousness in the Context of Social Philosophy
Authors Tsyrendorzhieva D.S.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Bagaeva K.А.Candidate of Philosophy, Senior Teacher
Bibliographic description Tsyrendorzhieva D. Sh., Bagaeva K. А. The Conceptual Aspects of Religiousness in the Context of Social Philosophy // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 2. P. 172–178.
UDK 2-1
Article type
Annotation Today religiousness is explained from the point of view of sociology, religious studies, psychology, whereas social philosophy gives the chance of integrated understanding of religiousness. Respectively, theoretical and methodological approaches to essence of religiousness are considered. It is found out that religiousness is not only identification of the personality with concrete faith, it also carries out the function of socialization and gives sense to social action, also it sets a system of coordinates of moral norms. On the one hand, being property of a social group, religiousness is shown in religious consciousness and religious behavior. On the other hand, we can speak about personal religiousness as specific experience of religion by an individual. In science there are different concepts of religiousness, which can be divided conditionally on classical and post-classical. The main tendency of religiousness theories is overcoming great attention to faith, also inclination to religiousness investment with emotional and subjective implication. Within the framework of social philosophy, the authors tried to present a picture of development of religiousness ideas. Naturally, when studying this subject, each researcher himself solves what exactly will be a starting point, however it is necessary to consider that social philosophy can provide certain strategy for the theoretical analysis of religiousness.
Key words society, state, religion, religiousness, religious organization, church, social philosophy
Article information
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