Article name Semantic Structure of Quantity Category
Authors Aliyarova L.M.Postgraduate Student
Makhazhanova L.M.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description Aliyarova L. M., Makhazhanova L. M. Semantic Structure of Quantity Category // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philology, Oriental Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 3. P. 93–97.
UDK 81’367.622=111=512.122
Article type
Annotation This paper deals with the semantic structure of quantity category and semantic features of nouns with the meaning of an indefinite quantity. The semantic field of an indefinite multiplicity covers not only quantitative value, indefinite multiplicity value, but it is also a widespread linguistic category expressing substantive, qualitative value and value of uncertainty. Any grammatical category reveals the meaning and content of grammatical structure and features of language, grammatical abstractions. We also study the concept of microfield of indefinite multiplicity and give an explanation of the categories of quantity and express the quantitative relations existing in actual fact. In the paper, the quantitative categories of the indefinite multiplicity were considered. Along with the use of general linguistic semantic categories as general universal categories for all languages, their individual idioethnic feature in the process of comparison is determined. Domestic and foreign literature on the problem under discussion is reviewed, including reviews of local scientists on grammatical categories. The overviewed works allowed us to determine the main directions, ideas and concepts in the study of this concept and to determine the prospects for further research.
Key words couple of friends, a set of tools, bunch of flowers, herds of oxen, two herds
Article information
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Full articleSemantic Structure of Quantity Category