Article name Markers of Russian Culture in Modern Media Text
Authors Erofeeva I.V.Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Erofeeva I. V. Markers of Russian Culture in Modern Media Text // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philology, Oriental Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 3. P. 127–136. DOI: 10.21209/2307-1834-2016-11-3-127-136.
DOI 10.21209/2307-1834-2016-11-3-127-136
UDK 811 : 002. 703.0
Article type
Annotation Many years of work on linguocultural analysis of media text allowed the author to reveal the key markers of Russian culture used in conceptual mass media discourse that mark the key features, objectives and semes of Russian culture.Markers are peculiar bearers of people’s national memory, they are ideal objects that accumulate and reveal the specific features of typical collective experiences. A national model of the media text author’s linguistic identity world is the sphere of their localization. Markers are formally variable, but at the same time they are mostly very stable. Marking sphere distinctly shows itself in meaningful media text, which has either problemthematic composition or idea-conceptual one. The following types of markers have been determined during the study: 1) cognitive (or conceptual); 2) affective (energems) reflecting the wide range of culture bearer’s feelings; 3) scenic (narrative); 4) sign (symbols); 5) spatial-temporal (continuum). Scenic markers display nuclear culture semes in a certain composition regime. The following archetypal plots are the most vivid: 1) “Rise and Fall”; 2) “East-West” narrative in terms of which peculiarity of our life is realized through the West antithesis; 3) story of “Maslenitsa” structures a dominating media topic and reflects a play paradigm of the authors’ thought. Markers are supported by addresser’ and addressee’ background knowledge and, in spite of interpretation elitism, involve prototext meanings a priori topical and requested by a mass consumer.
Key words markers of Russian culture, national model of the world, national values, media text, peculiarity, representation
Article information
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