Article name The Problem of 情态, 语气 and 口气 Categories Differentiation in Modern Chinese
Authors Simatova S.A.Graduate Student
Naumenko S.V.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
DOI 10.21209/2307-1834-2016-11-3-111-119
UDK 81.711
Article type
Annotation The paper is an attempt to distinguish among 情态, 语气 and 口气 categories in modern Chinese. Identification of the bounds of the three Chinese categories mentioned above is nowadays one of the most urgent problems in Chinese linguistics. The difficulty of differentiation is mainly caused by putting these three categories into the sphere of modality with a very complicated and tangled structure. As far as there is no common opinion on the bounds of each category, there is no common terminology and definitions in relevant linguistic researches based on the Chinese language material. The authors of the paper make a review of famous Chinese linguists’ opinions on differentiation between 情态 and 语气, between 语气 and 口气. Considering advantages and disadvantages of all theories that have been analyzed, the authors create their own model of the three categories differentiation. The authors also introduce possible Russian equivalents for the terms corresponded with the three categories: 情态 – the category of modality in the broad sense, 语气 – the category of modality in the narrow sense, 口气 – the category of tone. Finally, the authors prove the possibility of their model’s practical usage during the analysis of Chinese sentences with modal particles.
Key words the category of modality in the broad sense, the category of modality in the narrow sense, the category of tone, functional modality, modal particle
Article information
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