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Article name | Concept Sphere of Corporate Press in German Universities as a Subject of Media Discourse Formation |
Authors | Misonzhnikov B.Y.Doctor of Philology, Professor |
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DOI | 10.21209/2307-1834-2016-11-3-137-142 |
UDK | 070:378 |
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Annotation | The article discusses the corporate University press in modern Germany. The object of the research is both a general situation highlighting the most important type forming features and aspects of text-construction, with a special focus on the nature of reconstitution of the University publication sphere. The article specifically considers the publications in the corporate press at several leading universities in Germany – Humboldt University of Berlin, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and the University of Cologne. The study found that despite the overall similarity of the components of the publications concept sphere, some of them particularly close to certain individual concepts, which being included in the concept sphere of the University have a relative autonomy. They reflect the specific priorities of higher education institutions, their historical traditions and challenges of the modern period. Through the study of some functional aspects of the University corporate publications it can also be concluded that any type of publication is peculiar to the most common group of concepts that, in fact, play an important role in the process of type formation. |
Key words | University, corporate press, newspaper, publication, concept sphere, concept |
Article information | |
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Full article | Concept Sphere of Corporate Press in German Universities as a Subject of Media Discourse Formation |