Article name Speech Genre of Personal History in the Context of an Entertainment Magazine
Authors Teplyashina A.N.Doctor of Philology, Professor
Bibliographic description Teplyashina A. N.Speech Genre of Personal History in the Context of an Entertainment Magazine // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philology, Oriental Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 3. P. 143–150. DOI: 10.21209/2307-1834-2016-11-3-143-150.
DOI 10.21209/2307-1834-2016-11-3-143-150
UDK _070.4
Article type
Annotation Patterns of cultural elite behavior shape citizens’ values. The cultural elite is in charge of the future of humanity. Artists, writers, architects, composers, journalists, theatre workers, cinematographers are the cultural elite of society. Not all the elite has become popular media figures. In Soviet journalism it was not a tradition to ask a famous person about his personal life. The celebrity was surrounded by an aura of mystery. People take a celebrity through the prism of a bright talent. Celebrity ascribed all the virtues to be treated with respect. Publicity has lifted restrictions on information about private life of the cultural elite. Not all attract the attention of journalists. Commercial success gives you the right to talk about yourself. This story has a surprising lack of shame in the narrator. Caravan of Stories magazine is spreading the idea of shame as a vestige of human feelings. The primary role of the speech genre is “intimate history”. The intention of the genre is fun; it is to shock people. The genre is in demand in the context of the devaluation of cultural and moral values. The genre can be seen as the verbal design of the typical situations of social interaction of people. This approach leads to the differentiation of the texts on the source of information: the primary assemblage of the facts of his own intimate life. Secondary source of information are details of the intimate life of a famous person, told by the wife/husband (usually the former), children (mostly illegitimate), close friends. All these persons initiated into the secrets of personal drama. These groups of storytellers committed to various forms simplified, colloquial speech. This speech meets style, known in science as primitive one. Market conditions promote the priority strategies of primitivism. The laws of market conditions remove cultural constraints to subjects and vocabulary. The strategy of primitivism is the dominant speech genre of an intimate history. Stories of famous people about intimate collisions increase the rating of the journal circulation.
Key words mediatization, the cultural elite, speech genre, intimate story, primitive style, strategy of primitivism
Article information
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Full articleSpeech Genre of Personal History in the Context of an Entertainment Magazine