Article name Private Archive of I. N. Madason (1911–1984)
Authors Ayusheeva M.V.Candidate of History
Bibliographic description Ayusheeva M. V. Private Archive of I. N. Madason (1911–1984) // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philology, Oriental Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 3. P. 160–166.
UDK 930.25
Article type
Annotation In the article, private archives of Ilya Nikolaevich Madason, the Buryat scientist, poet, collector of folklore, ethnographer, kept in the Center of Oriental Manuscripts and Xylographs of the Institute of Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science (COMX IMBT) are considered. On the basis of archival materials, the biography of the scientist and his contribution to the development of the Buryat science have been studied. The main sections of the I. N. Madason’s personal fund, including 891 units of storage on different branches of humanitarian knowledge are briefly described. Field activities of the scholar as a member of Alaro-Unginsky group of dialectological expedition of 1962, and of a number of his independent expeditions to Alarsky district in 1940– 1941 with the purpose of fixing epic folklore are analyzed. This has allowed outlining the scientist’s contribution to collecting and studying of the Buryat folklore, to opening new names of Buryat uligershins. The importance of the collected material on literary and cultural life of Buryatia is emphasized; the review of the extensive card file of the scientist including several thousands of cards on various themes is given. The description of his unique collection of genealogies of Irkutsk and Transbaikal Buryats numbering more than 3000 sheets of different format is given. The methods of fixing genealogies used by the scholar are looked upon. The role of the scientist as an ethnographer who has saved vast records of the Buryat family trees, legends and materials on shamanism is revealed.
Key words private archives, Ilya N. Madason, uliger, Buryat genealogies, COMX
Article information
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Full articlePrivate Archive of I. N. Madason (1911–1984)