Article name Oral-Written Format of Publications on Environmental Issues (Based on Training and Research Projects)
Authors Kokhanova L.A.Doctor of Philology, Professor
Bibliographic description Kokhanova L. A. Oral-Written Format of Publications on Environmental Issues (Based on Training and Research Projects) // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philology, Oriental Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 3. P. 205–211. DOI: 10.21209/2307-1834-2016-11-3-205-210.
DOI 10.21209/2307-1834-2016-11-3-205-210
UDK 070.1
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the problem of using the new format of the oral-written text in publications on environmental issues. Transforming text publications on environmental issues in the media today is related to the direct influence of the virtual environment. Environmental issues are associated with scientific knowledge and require a specific approach, allowing the use of scientific terms and facts of rigid structure. The journalists encounter critical tasks associated with the use of oral and written formats of publications on environmental issues for language interaction with the audience in a network environment. Today, Russian uses completely different set of rules of language interaction on the web. These changes apply to all types of text: verbal, visual, auditory. Features of the text are associated with errors, slang, youth vocabulary, expression of emotions via emoticons, internet memes, etc. In the current situation, we need a new generation of professionals capable of producing texts in accordance with the demands of a large enough audience, speaking one oral and written language with it. At the same time, it is an important skill to possess creative skills of processing the collected information to influence the audience, using the strengths of the new format of the text. Based on a survey of students’ opinions, the article systematizes and summarizes the basic characteristics of the environmental topics of texts created in the net, the most frequently used sign systems, techniques and forms are determined.
Key words oral and written text, communication, content, media, media text, network vocabulary, environmental topics
Article information
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Full articleOral-Written Format of Publications on Environmental Issues (Based on Training and Research Projects)