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Article name | New Data on Massive Paleometal Era Stone Sacral Objects of the Early Iron Age in East Baikal Asia and East Transbaikal Regions |
Authors | Mamkin A.M.Researcher alex010272@yandex.ruBelousov V.E.Senior researcher centr-zabkr@ |
Bibliographic description | Mamkin A. M., Belousov V. E. New Data on Massive Paleometal Era Stone Sacral Objects of the Early Iron Age in East Baikal Asia and East Transbaikal Regions // Humanitarian Vector. Series History. Political Science. 2016. Vol. 11, No 4. P. 104–116. DOI: 10.21209/2307-1842-2016-11-4-104-116 |
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DOI | 10.21209/2307-1842-2016-11-4-104-116 |
UDK | 902.2 |
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Annotation | The article highlights information about Transbaikal massive stone sacral objects of paleometal era. On the basis of the factual material the authors analyze culture objects of tiled graves, kereksurs, olenny (deer) stones, which are widespread in Transbaikal region. The authors emphasize interconnection of Transbaikal bronze period objects of the early Iron Age with chronologically synchronous and functionally identical objects of the world civilization. The article gives the general research history review. It defines the specific features of Transbaikal megaliths. The paper presents the research results on megalith paleometal era objects in the east region of Baikal Asia. It gives the research data on the Podlopatkinsky kereksur (the village of Podlopatka, the Republic of Buryatia), excavations of which were made during the exploration under Doctor of History M. V. Konstantinov’s supervision in 1971, 1974 and in 1992. It presents the excavation data on the Albituysk mound-kereksur, built of finds from mound armor no later than the 8th-7th century AD according to dating. TGC (tiled grave culture) burial ground dated the 6–5th centuries BC was found in the kereksur area. It presents research materials of “Dayka-1” burial ground of “imperial type” being the vivid example of utilitarian “tiler” stone use with scyth-tagar “steppe style” petroglyphs and olenny stones. As a result, the authors offer to distinguish three chronologically interconnected types of archaeological heritage sacral and funeral objects: hereksur, olenny stones, TGC funeral objects. However, the question of their functional, historical and cultural determination remains open. |
Key words | Transbaikal region, megaliths, kereksur, olenny stones, culture of tiled graves, paleometal era, petroglyphs |
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Full article | New Data on Massive Paleometal Era Stone Sacral Objects of the Early Iron Age in East Baikal Asia and East Transbaikal Regions |