Article name Screen Chronicle as an Element of Fake Journalism
Authors Il’chenko S.N.Doctor of Philology
Bibliographic description Il’chenko S. N. Screen Chronicle as an Element of Fake Journalism // Humanitarian Vector. Series History. Political Science. 2016. Vol. 11, No 4. P. 124–127. DOI: 10.21209/2307-1842-2016-11-4-1204-127
DOI 10.21209/2307-1842-2016-11-4-124-127
UDK 070
Article type
Annotation The article considers the problem of using film and video footage in modern journalistic practice. It analyzes mainly the materials devoted to various historical periods and events connected with the history of Russia. It identifies obvious discrepancies between visual and accompanying text. The author comes to the conclusion that in most cases these frames are on-screen fakes. They reflect the essence of the phenomenon of modern information culture as show civilization when dominant for a mass audience is the visual channel of the release of any information. More information is associated with specific historical eras. The development of technical means of mass communication in the twentieth century has resulted in a clear priority of video over all others. The reason for this, according to the author, lies in a priori trust of the audience to the film documents. Whereas in reality attracted film and video footage does not correspond to any chronological or meaningful events of the past that it was designed to illustrate. The article explains the reasons for this inadequate use of fragments and historical frames of newsreels.
Key words newsreels, video, screen fakes, historical journalism, credibility, mass media, show civilization
Article information
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Full articleScreen Chronicle as an Element of Fake Journalism