Article name Popular History in Modern Russia: Myths, Images and Ideas of the Past in Sport Historical Film
Authors Isaev E.M.Lecturer, Methodologist
Pozhidaeva I.V.Graduate Student
Bibliographic description Isaev E. M., Pozhidaeva I. V. Popular History in Modern Russia: Myths, Images and Ideas of the Past in Sport Historical Film // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 4. P. 128–136.
UDK 796.011.1
Article type
Annotation Our society is looking for alternative ways of identity construction besides of the consolidation of memory around military achievements. We assumed that sport and history is perspective symbolic union; and we addressed the following issue to representation of history in sport feature films. The research states that the sport film might be an alternative way of screening the past alongside with political history and wars, “the military past” (the most replicated image of the country in popular cinema segment). Thus, the study aims to identify the links between such areas as films, sports, and history, to analyze and describe the image of the past, narrative and semiotic structure of contemporary historical film.
Key words popular history, sport, historical film, cultural identity, politics of memory, collective memory
Article information
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Full articlePopular History in Modern Russia: Myths, Images and Ideas of the Past in Sport Historical Film