Article name The Role of the Mass Media in the Development of the Malian Democracy
Authors Cheickna Kalifa Sangare ..Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description Sheikna Kalifa Sangare. The Role of the Media in the Development of the Malian Democracy // Humanitarian Vector. Series History. Political Science. 2016. Vol. 11, No 4. P. 142–149. DOI: 10.21209/2307-1842-2016-11-4-142-149
DOI 10.21209/2307-1842-2016-11-4-142-149
UDK 070(662.1)
Article type
Annotation The article focuses on the development of the mass media in Mali and their impact on the development of democracy in the country. The author reflects the peculiarities of the transition from military dictatorship to democracy, points out that it is the independent mass media that became a stronghold of the opposition during the dictatorship, considers the problem of the development of democratic governance in the realities of the black continent, and in particular in the Republic of Mali, analyzes the overall structure of the Malian media (highlighting the following: print media, radio, television and internet media) and their level of influence on public opinion in the country. According to the author, radio has the greatest influence in conditions of Mali. However, all types of mass media in the country have their own target audience and shape the media landscape, ensuring conservation of the Malian democracy. Particular attention is paid to the role and place of various types of mass media during elections in the country, their accessibility to potential candidates and different political forces, non-interference by the authorities in the activities of independent media during the election period.
Key words Africa, Mali, mass media, democracy, elections
Article information
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Full articleThe Role of the Mass Media in the Development of the Malian Democracy