Article name Analysis of the Legends of Tygyn Darkhan: Yakut Mythological “King” of the “Conquest”
Authors Ushnitsky V.V.Candidate of History
Bibliographic description Ushnitskiy V. V. Analysis of the Legends of Tygyndarkhan: Yakut Mythological «King» of the «Conquest» // Humanitarian Vector. Series History. Political Science. 2016. Vol. 11, No 4. P. 179–183.
UDK 398.2(571.56)
Article type
Annotation This article examines the Potestarian culture of the Yakut ethnic group before the arrival of the Russians in the Middle Lena. In the Yakut folklore there is a cycle of legends about the time of the Yakut leader Tygyn from Kangalassky clan who made long trips with the aim of conquering the other clans. The article concluded that the mythical leader of the state in the Middle Lena Tygyn is more in line with chifdom – proto-state in Western science concept. The extensive historiography analysis of the role of the individual leader Tygyn in the ancient history of the Yakut people is given. Comparison of folklore materials with written documents help to trace the time and conditions of formation of the Yakut folklore image of the lord. The plots of the Yakut legend about Tygyn are comparable to the role of the legendary King Arthur in the history of Britain. Yakut chiefdom in Tygyn’s image emerged in the era of military democracy and the collapse of the tribal community, the formation of the slave-owning aristocracy. An important conclusion on formation of Tygyn’s image during the formation of the Yakut aristocracy and spread of Yakut clans, mainly from Kangalassy, North-East of Siberia is made.
Key words chiefdom, historiography, potestarian culture, earlier State, history of Yakutia, folklore, myth
Article information
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