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Article name | Building and Industrial Management During 1957–1965 Reform in V. L. Dryndin’s Research “Attempts of Reforming Agrarian and Industrial Spheres in the RF (1953–1964) in the Context of Russian History Characteristics” |
Authors | Mertsalov V.I.Doctor of History, Professor |
Bibliographic description | Mertsalov V. I. The Building and Industrial Management During 1957–1965 Reform in V. L. Dryndin’s Research “Attempts of Reforming Agrarian and Industrial Spheres in the RF (1953 – 1964) in the Context of Russian History Characteristics” // Humanitarian Vector. Series History. Political Science. 2016. Vol. 11, No 4. P. 190 –198. |
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UDK | 930 |
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Annotation | The article investigates scientific contribution of V. L. Dryndin, Doctor of History, into the research on building and industrial management reform in 1957–1965. The content and the text structure analysis of his doctoral thesis shows that it is not of high quality in its part concerning SOVNARKHOZ (* sovnarhoz ‒ Soviet short-lived regional economic councils of Khrushchev’s period) reform. The amount of facts on regional economic councils in the Centre and the Southern Urals is insignificant, and its content is too spotty to give fair generalizations and conclusions. All- Union and All-Russian data in most examples prove the absence of novelty. In fact, they are like estimation reviews given by foreign, Soviet and Russian authors, conceal the factual regional material deficit. Another element of the textual structure is plagiarism, detected in the main parts of V. L. Dryndin’s thesis – in the introduction, the first, the second, the fourth chapters and in the conclusion of the thesis. It prevails in the two first paragraphs of the fourth chapter. I should point out the fact that plagiarism in V. L. Dryndin’s doctoral thesis is not fragmentary but systematic and intentional appropriation of an essential part from V. I. Mertsalov’s thesis on the problem of SOVNARKHOZ reform’s origin, its evolution and results. Mainly the doctoral thesis is plagiaristic imitation of the research on the building and industrial management during 1957–1965 reform, not a research proper. V. L. Dryndin’s doctoral thesis became the basis for plagiaristic works – E. V. Demichev’s PhD thesis and his monograph. He was V. L. Dryndin’s follower. |
Key words | historiography, sovnarkhoz reform, the building and industrial management reform, N. S. Khrushchev, E. V. Demichev’s, V. L. Dryndin’s and V. I. Mertsalov’s researches, plagiarism |
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References | 1. Demichev E. V. Reforma upravlenija promyshlennost’ju i stroitel’stvom v Centre i na Juzhnom Urale (1957–1965 gg.): dis. … kand. ist. nauk. Orenburg, 2007. 227 s. 2. Demichev E. V. Reforma upravlenija promyshlennost’ju i stroitel’stvom 1957–1965 gg. v kontekste specifiki otechestvennoj istorii. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: ROSSPJeN, 2011. 295 s. 3. Dryndin V. L. Popytki reformirovanija agrarnoj i promyshlennyh sfer RF (1953–1964 gg.) v kontekste specifiki otechestvennoj istorii: avtoref. dis. … d-ra ist. nauk. Orenburg, 2004. 52 s. 4. Dryndin V. L. Popytki reformirovanija agrarnoj i promyshlennyh sfer RF (1953–1964 gg.) v kontekste specifiki otechestvennoj istorii: dis. … d-ra ist. nauk. Orenburg, 2004. 464 s. 5. Mertsalov V. I. Regional’nyj uroven’ industrial’noj politiki v pjatidesjatye gody (na materialah Chitinskoj oblasti) // Problemy kompleksnogo izuchenija cheloveka. Chelovek v uslovijah Zabajkal’ja: materialy region. nauch.-prakt. konf. Chita, 30 nojab. – 2 dek. 1993 g.). Chita, 1995. S. 300–302. 6. Mertsalov V. I. Struktura Irkutskogo sovnarhoza (1957–1962 gg.) // Problemy kompleksnogo izuchenija cheloveka. Chelovek v uslovijah Zabajkal’ja: materialy 2-j Region. nauch.-prakt. konf. Chita, 25–27 apr. 1995 g.). Chita, 1996. S. 317–320. 7. Mertsalov V. I. Ideologicheskie predposylki reformirovanija sistemy upravlenija promyshlennost’ju (1957–1965 gg.) // Vysshaja shkola: Gumanitarnye nauki i gumanitarnye osnovy obrazovanija i vospitanija. Jekologija. Jekonomika. Pravo: materialy Ross. nauch. konf. Chita, 25–28 apr. 1996 g. Chita: Izd-vo Chit. ped. in-ta, 1996. S. 73–76. 8. Mertsalov V. I. Predposylki reformirovanija upravlenija promyshlennost’ju v 1957–1965 gg. // Narody Zabajkal’ja: vozrozhdenie i razvitie: sb. materialov nauch. konf. Chita, 1997. S. 123–126. 9. Mercalov V. I. O proishozhdenii reformy upravlenija promyshlennost’ju i stroitel’stvom (1957–1965 gg.) // Ist.- jekon. nauch. zhurn. № 6. Chita; Irkutsk: Izd-vo IGJeA, 1999. S. 60–72. 10. Mertsalov V. I. Reforma hozjajstvennogo upravlenija 1957–1965 gg.: predposylki, hod, itogi (na materialah Vostochnoj Sibiri). Irkutsk: Izd-vo IGJeA, 2000. 266 s. 11. Mertsalov V. I. Arhivnye istochniki izuchenija reformy upravlenija promyshlennost’ju i stroitel’stvom 1957–1965 gg. // Problemy reformirovanija jekonomiki Rossii: materialy vnutrivuz. nauch.-prakt. konf. Ch. II. Irkutsk: Izd-vo IGJeA, 2001. S. 3–12. 12. Mertsalov V. I. Reforma upravlenija promyshlennost’ju i stroitel’stvom 1957–1965 gg. (na materialah Vostochnoj Sibiri): dis. … d-ra ist. nauk. Irkutsk, 2001, 471 s. 13. Mertsalov V. I. Istorija sovnarhozovskoj reformy 1957–1965 gg. v issledovanijah E. V. Demicheva // Gumanit. vekt. Ser. Istorija. Politologija. 2014. № 3. S. 152–160. 14. Mertsalov V. I. Monograficheskoe issledovanie E. V. Demicheva o reforme upravlenija promyshlennost’ju i stroitel’stvom 1957–1965 gg. // Uchen. zap. Zabajkal. gos. un-ta. Ser. Filologija, istorija, vostokovedenie. 2015. № 2. S. 182–191. 15. Mertsalov V. I. Proishozhdenie i jevoljucija reformy upravlenija promyshlennost’ju i stroitel’stvom 1957–1965 gg. / V. I. Mercalov; Zabajkal. gos. un-t. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. Chita: ZabGU, 2015, [1]. 258 s. |
Full article | Building and Industrial Management During 1957–1965 Reform in V. L. Dryndin’s Research “Attempts of Reforming Agrarian and Industrial Spheres in the RF (1953–1964) in the Context of Russian History Characteristics” |