Article name Dialectal Variety in Verb Forms (Based on Transbaikalian Dialects of Northern Russian Origin)
Authors Ignatovich T.Y.Doctor of Philology
Bibliographic description
UDK 482
Article type
Annotation The article describes variances of verb forms in the dialects of Northern Russian genesis spoken on the territory of East Transbaikalia. The variants of verb forms are characterized according to their origin, peculiarities of derivation and the degree of stability. The author studies preferences as to the usage of all-Russian or dialectal verb forms, points out to the linguistic laws governing the preservation of some dialectal features and presents a comparative analysis of the dialectal verb forms under study with the dialectal verb forms observed in Russian dialects of Buryatiya.
Key words Russian dialects, East Transbaikalia, variance, verb forms
Article information
Full articleDialectal Variety in Verb Forms (Based on Transbaikalian Dialects of Northern Russian Origin)