Article name Conceptual, Linguistic and Poetic Pictures of the World: Universal, National and Individual Features
Authors Malgojata Luchik ..D. Litt, University Professor
Bibliographic description Malgojata Luchik. Conceptual, Linguistic and Poetic Pictures of the World: Universal, National and Individual Features // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 5. PP. 8–15. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-5-8-15.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-5-8-15
UDK 81`22
Article type
Annotation The article shows the differences between conceptual, linguistic and poetic pictures of the world. It presents information on what is common to entire nations and what is specific and individual in the nations and how they are intertwined in an unexpected and complex way. The given problem is present in modern linguistics because it enables differentiation of the mentioned worldview and understanding their national specificity. The following research methods were selected: linguocultural text analysis, unstructured observation, commentary, and interpretative material analysis. Any given language conceptualizes the world in a way specific to a given nation. And although the boundaries between the conceptual and linguistic pictures of the world are undefined, they have some parts in common, which is the interpretation of the reflection of the world. Conceptual picture of the world in comparison with the linguistic picture of the world presents to a greater extent a global, human, pan-human picture of the world. However, linguistic picture of the world is more anthropocentric; the central place in it is occupied by a man and his understanding of the world. Different languages verbalize the world in different ways depending on the native point of view. Any language directs the thinking of its users according to the way the world is perceived and reflected in their language. Linguistic picture of the world of each nation reflects not only the nation’s contemporary mentality but also contains elements of folklore, mythology, archetypes, and therefore the worldview can be reconstructed not only through the analysis of linguistic units, but also through national concepts, stereotypes, philosophical texts and fiction. Assuming that linguistic and conceptual pictures of the world are universal and created by the whole nation, then the poetic picture of the world is individual, created in the texts of one person, a native user of a specific language. Thus, linguistic picture of the world and the picture of the world reconstructed in the poetic texts of a particular author are comparable, but they are not identical. The poetic picture of the world as a variant of the linguistic and conceptual pictures of the world does not reflect factual data, on the contrary it dims them, shows them in a different way, from a different perspective.
Key words mental models of the world, knowledge, conceptual analysis, linguistic and poetic pictures of the world, national worldview
Article information
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Full articleConceptual, Linguistic and Poetic Pictures of the World: Universal, National and Individual Features