Article name Russian Language Picture of the World in the Aspect of Military Glory Symbols
Authors Pimenova M.V.Doctor of Philology, Professor, Rector
Bodrikov A.B.Candidate of Philology
Bibliographic description Pimenova M. V., Bodrikov A. B. Russian Language Picture of the World in the Aspect of Military Glory Symbols // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 5. PP. 16–21. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-5-16-21.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-5-16-21
UDK 81`27
Article type
Annotation The article discusses the symbols of military glory in the framework of the Russian linguistic picture of the world, taking into account the results of the survey of cadets at the military engineering and technical institute in St. Petersburg. There are a number of documents formalizing the status of symbols of military glory. А survey was conducted after a course on the study of military regulations in St. Petersburg military university in 2017–2018. The purpose of the survey was to identify the cognitive signs of the concept воин (warrior). 247 cadets took part in the survey. Some results is described in this article were obtained on the material of the questionnaires. One of the points of the questionnaire was the task: “Name the symbols of military glory”. Some detailed answers contained up to 6 cognitive signs of military glory at the same time (Guards ribbons, double-headed eagles with a sword and power, wreaths, axes; Banner, coat of arms, sword, shield, bow, machine gun). The revealed reactions showed 24 cognitive signs related to symbols of military glory. The cadets noted the following cognitive signs: banner (banners, banners of guards units, flags, red flag); battle flag (military banner); emblem; anthem, orders and medals; monuments, eternal flame; mass graves; Motherland; St. George Ribbon; Laurel wreath; military weapons; Hero City status; honour; songs; rituals; state; dates; parades; George the Victorious; guards tapes; double-headed eagles with a sword and power; regiment sign; live war veterans. The most frequent were signs of combat (military) banner, banner, orders and medals, eternal flame, St. George ribbon, coat of arms, guards ribbons, laurel wreath.
Key words military concept, cultural linguistics, language picture of the world, concept of warrior; symbols of military glory
Article information
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Full articleRussian Language Picture of the World in the Aspect of Military Glory Symbols