Article name Understanding the Novel Eugene Onegin by A. S. Pushkin Through Gospel Keywords
Authors Kamedina L.V.Doctor of Culturology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Kamedina L. V. Understanding the Novel Eugene Onegin by A. S. Pushkin Through Gospel Keywords // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 5. PP. 22–38. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-5-22-38.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-5-29-38
UDK 82.0:821.161.1(075)
Article type
Annotation Pushkin’s novel Eugene Onegin is interesting in understanding the meanings of this work, which can be numerous, and each generation reads this work in a new way. Keywords of the gospel “freedom-creativity-love” may be the key to a new understanding of Eugene Onegin by A. S. Pushkin. Pushkin presents the history of the Russian world in the form of a process of development of the personal principle of a man who attains the highest bliss in unity with divine truths in a personal creative act aimed at comprehending and transmitting the highest values: truth, goodness, beauty and good in order to achieve a new being, a new genuine of the world. These are the heroes of the novel Tatyana Larina and the Author of the novel. If the interests of the individual are aimed only at themselves, at achieving their comfort, then the individual does not achieve the goal, it does not carry true truth, kindness, beauty and becomes unhappy. These are the protagonist Eugene Onegin, his friend Vladimir Lensky, Olga Larina and other characters of the Pushkin text. In this article, four characters of the novel (Onegin, Lensky, Tatyana, Author of the novel), bearing the main semantic load in the text, are viewed sequentially through the main Pushkin “keys”: freedom-creativity-love. Each hero understands freedom-creativity-love in his own way and, according to this understanding, carries out his life. Pushkin describes the selection results in the storyline of the novel, and the spiritual meanings of the text are revealed through the interpretation of the novel in a theo-axiological approach, which is presented in the article. The author draws on the results already achieved in the study of Eugene Onegin and gives a new vision of the first Russian novel through the key concepts of the Pushkin text, which coincide with the main gospel concepts of Christianity.
Key words gospel understanding, Pushkin keys, free romance, freedom, creativity, love
Article information
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