Article name Small Prose by M. Tarkovsky in the Context of “New Realism”
Authors Kovtun N.V.Doctor of Philology, Professor
Bibliographic description Kovtun N. V. Small Prose by M. Tarkovsky in the Context of “New Realism” // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 5. PP. 39–50. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-5-39-50.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-5-39-50
UDK 82
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the analysis of Russian prose of the turn of the XXth – XXIst centuries, its leading directions, among which “new realism” stands out. The history and poetics of “new realism” are analyzed, the circle of names included in this literary field is outlined. Particular attention is paid to the increasingly controversial direction of “new realism”, which is represented by two key areas: patriotic and naturalistic. The “new realism” authors actively form their own mythology, taking part in politics, and trying to reconcile Soviet and anti-Soviet discourses, interest in the problems of modernity. The article uses historical-cultural, comparative-typological and structural-semiotic methods of analysis. The article provides a detailed analysis of the literary work by Siberian author M. Tarkovsky: from the early short stories and novels before the novel Toyota-Cresta. Tarkovsky’s work combines elements of the poetics of “classical traditionalism” and “new realism” to present an original geopolitical project and a cultural character capable of bringing the country to a new level of civilization. An important feature of the author’s letter is optimism, the writer believes in the possibility of reconciliation of a rural resident, a hunter and “civilized wanderer”, who went in search of “clean lands”.
Key words modern Russian prose, “classical traditionalism”, neo-traditionalism, “new realism”, Zakhar Prilepin, Roman Senchin, Mikhail Tarkovsky
Article information
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Full articleSmall Prose by M. Tarkovsky in the Context of “New Realism”