Article name Benedict Dybovsky in Transbaykalia Region in 1865–1868
Authors Semenov E.V.Candidate of History, Associate Professor
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DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-6-81-86
UDK 001-051(438)+94(=162.1)(571.55)
Article type Semenov E. V. Benedict Dybovsky in Transbaykalia Region in 1865–1868 // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 6. PP. 81–86. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-6-81-86.
Annotation The article discusses the issues of Benedict Dybovsky’s stay in hard labor in the territory of Eastern Transbaikalia. The author considers B. Dybovsky’s arrival in Transbaikalia, distributing him to the Sivyakovsky prison building, establishing contacts with the regional administration and local residents, transferring the scientist to Darasun and exiling to the settlement. The relevance of the topic being developed lies in the fact that although the life and work of B. Dybovsky has been quite fully studied, there remain some points that need to be specified. The author, based on an analysis of archival documents of the State Archive of the Trans-Baikal Territory and the scientist’s memoirs, reconstructs the main points of B. Dybovsky’s stay in Sivyakovo and Darasun. As a result of the analysis of the memorial heritage of Polish political exiles who were in the Trans-Baikal region during the period under review, and archival documents of the State Archive of the Trans-Baikal Region, it was possible to study the conditions for serving hard labor by Polish political exiles in Sivyakovo, their living conditions and relations among the exiles. The time spent by B. Dybovsky in Transbaikalia played a large role in his further research work and influenced his decision to relieve his professional and scientific life with Transbaikalia region and the Far East after his release from hard labor. Despite the fact that formally B. Dybovsky was in hard labor, in fact the scientist was freed from work and had relative freedom of movement. All this allowed him to make the most fruitful use of time and the opportunities provided for studying the nature of Transbaikalia. The result of the study was the establishment and concretization of some facts of B. Dybovsky’s stay in Sivyakovo and Darasun, as well as his scientific activity on the basis of archival documents and memoirs of the scientist.
Key words Polish political exiles, Sivyakovo prison, hard labor, Darasun, Benedict Dybovski, research of Transbaikalia
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Full articleBenedict Dybovsky in Transbaykalia Region in 1865–1868