Article name The Russian Servant of the Second Half of the XIX the Century in Modern Historiography
Authors Samarina S.A.Postgraduate
Bibliographic description Samarina L. A. The Russian Servant of the Second Half of the XIX Century in Modern Historiography // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 6. PP. 105–113. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-6-105-113.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-6-105-113
UDK 930.2
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the analysis of the state of modern Russian historiography of Russian servants’ labor organization in the post-reform period. Characteristic of the main scientific articles, monographs and dissertation researches on this topic, published in the period from 1990 to the present is given. Achievements of modern authors on the study of the most important aspects of daily life of servants in the Russian Empire are revealed: the place of servants in social stratification, the influence of migrations on the increase of the number of employees in service and the spread of deviations (theft, drunkenness, prostitution), as well as the features of working life, relationships of servants with employers, position of individual professional groups, taking into account the gender role. When analyzing scientific works, a problematic approach is used in the direction of gender history and history of everyday life. The article assesses the scientific background in the development of various aspects of servants’ daily life. A significant number of articles and mini-studies is devoted to the theme of life of domestic servants in imperial and Soviet Russia, at the same time, the regional aspect of the problem is not sufficiently developed, and the study of servants of public institutions – kitchen and dining rooms, hotels, laundries, theaters, and various kinds of artels is just beginning. It is shown that the topic deserves further scientific research, since the servants of the second half of the XIX the century were a large professional group and were included in various modernization processes, they were one of the driving forces and the product of this process. In this regard, there is a wide range of issues that need to be considered, from the evolution of the status of servants of various professional categories to involvement in social movements. The author pays special attention to the necessity of development of a conceptual apparatus for servants’ characteristics.
Key words post-reform Russia, female servants, male servants, city, organization of employment, everyday history, gender history
Article information
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