Article name Semiotics of Literary Critical Activity
Authors Govorukhina Y.A.Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-1-60-69
UDK 82.09
Article type
Annotation The crisis of literary criticism occurred in the 1990s and forced critics to rethink their status, the way they talk about the text, and communication with the reader. Literary criticism theoretically comprehends changes in the structure of literary-critical activity. Promising, in our opinion, is the semiotic perspective of the study of criticism, which allows us to cover both the mechanism of functioning of this phenomenon and its ideological component. It is also relevant to choose such principles of “speaking” about criticism that imply a reflective position in relation to ideology, liberal and patriotic. The author of the article asks the question: what happens to the system “author – text – reader” when a literary critic (a professional interpreter who actively influences the meaning production) is embedded in it? This and other problematic issues are studied based on a comprehensive methodology that allows working at the intersection of semiotics and discourse analysis and analyzing literary critical activity in the semiotic aspect. It is proved for the first time that the critic not only implements the signification procedure, but also inspires the “scripts” of reception for the reader. For the first time, the “signification-decoding” procedure is comprehended taking into account the literary critic as an expert reader capable of offering ideologically correct “interpretation routes”. Significative practice is studied on the basis of material of modern patriotic criticism, which demonstrates various strategies for working with elements of the literary field. The designation of “native” and “alien” is carried out in it by means of the toposis “center” and “province”, where “center” is the focus of inverted values, pragmatism, egocentrism, and “province” – a space that is nourished and nourishes the writer by the power of Russian nature and folk traditions. Another strategy is the glorification of “native”, which allows the critic to offer another route to the reader, not interpretative, but life-building. The strategy of “capturing” and redefining the “alien” is semiotically complex and unique to patriotic criticism. It allows it to strengthen position by attracting authoritative symbolic figures.
Key words critical discourse analysis, literary criticism, semiotics, signification, patriotic criticism
Article information
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