Article name Active Language Processes and Modifications of Narrative in the Language of Modern Regional Prose
Authors Ivanova A.V.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor
Smirnov K.V.Candidate of Philology
Bibliographic description
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-1-70-78
UDK 801.7 + 801.8 + 808.1 + 81’1’42
Article type
Annotation The issue of modifying the narrative in the language of modern regional prose is considered. Attention is paid to active language processes, typical for modern prose art. The results of the analysis of texts of Transbaikal prose writers are presented. The question of including the modern Transbaikal prose in the context of a single literary process is raised. Special attention is paid to the study of texts in the aspect of the theory of language composition. The novelty of the research is that from the standpoint of the language composition, theory of the language of regional texts is studied. The relevance of the study is due to the increased interest in regional literature and active processes of modification in the language of modern prose. The methodological basis of the study is the principle of interrelation of form and content, the principle of consistency and the principle of dialectical unity of the general and individual as a private variant of the dialectical method of cognition, as well as general scientific methods of observation, analysis and synthesis, and highly specialized methods of linguistic observation and description and continuous sampling. A brief review of the active language processes implementing the phenomena of narrative modification is given. The author focuses on such processes as modifying narrative subjectification, strengthening intertext links, increasing autobiographical character and publicistic character of narrative, activating metaphors in narration, active processes in word formation and grammar, and changing the graphical appearance of the text. We prove that not all these processes are characteristic for the prose of the Transbaikal Territory, the value of the revealed processes for the language composition of the texts is not equal. The experience of work within the framework of the theory of language composition on the material of modern regional prose texts is described.
Key words contemporary and regional prose, language composition, active linguistic processes, the subjectivity of the narrative, metaphor, journalistic and autobiographical prose, word-formative and grammatical modification, graphical appearance of the text
Article information
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Full articleActive Language Processes and Modifications of Narrative in the Language of Modern Regional Prose