Article name Metaphorical Representation of the Concept Destiny in the Polish Linguoculture
Authors Deeva N.V.Candidate of Рhilology, Аssociate Рrofessor
Bibliographic description
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-1-84-91
UDK 81.119 + 811.162.1
Article type
Annotation Metaphor is one of the most productive way in representation of abstract concepts. The article deals with the analysis of metaphors, which represent the concept of destiny in the Polish linguoculture. We reveal that the spheres-sources for the metaphorical representation of the analyzed concept are “human”, “social relations”, “living organism”, “inanimate nature”, “artifacts”. Most often, the destiny in Polish linguoculture appears in the image of a person who is capable of various kinds of physical, intellectual actions, manifestation of feelings, etc. The using of a biomorphic metaphor and certain models of an artifact metaphor allows Polish native speakers to express an assessment of such concept as destiny. Some models of anthropomorphic, naturomorphic and artifact metaphor demonstrate a person’s ambivalent attitude toward destiny, which is understood as the highest almighty power, then as something that depends on a person. The national specificity of the metaphorical representation of the analyzed concept is also a fact that destiny in Polish linguoculture more often acts as a subject of the social sphere and social relations, rather than a part (object) of living nature. Among the sociomorphic metaphors the most represented were the models, for which the spheres of human professional activity are the sources of transfer.
Key words concept, conceptual metaphor, representation of concept, linguoculture, Polish ISSN 2542-0038 (Online) ISSN 1996-7853 (Print) Введение.
Article information
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Full articleMetaphorical Representation of the Concept Destiny in the Polish Linguoculture