Article name Formation of the Foundations of Journalism Theory in Russian Philosophy of the XIX – early XX Centuries: Normative and Ethical Direction
Authors Blokhin I.N.Doctor of Political Sciences, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-1-98-106
UDK 168.522
Article type
Annotation During the nineteenth century, journalism was taking shape as a social institution, and researchers from various branches of the humanities began to think of it as a social phenomenon. The aim of the article is to define the nodal directions in the theory of journalism, the formation of which was influenced by Russian philosophy of the XIX – early XX centuries. The objectives are to identify the normative and ethical problems of journalism that were in the field of public debate in the Russian philosophy of the noted period. The identification of the specifics of philosophy as a source of the Russian theory of journalism is facilitated by the use of comparative historical analysis of the provisions and conclusions in the works of Russian thinkers, to varying degrees, who have addressed the analysis of journalism. The article demonstrates how the Russian philosophy has formed an idea of ethical principles of journalism, on the basis of which a system of professional standards was gradually formed. The normative and ethical direction in the research of journalism is considered in the system of scientific humanitarian knowledge due to the complexity of its structure. Along with the normative-ethical approach, structural-typological, functional and communicative approaches were being developed during this period. Separate directions of philosophical analysis of journalism have been singled out. Firstly, criticism of irresponsibility, superficiality of judgments and categorical ignorance of authors of journalistic publications. Secondly, discussion of problems of excessive bias and, on the contrary, alienated impartiality of journalists. Third, identification and analysis of ways to influence the mass audience in order to form public opinion, such as one-sided interpretation of facts for the purpose of propaganda and promotion of worldview values. Fourth, to determine the contradiction between the educational mission of journalism and its dependence on the market demand for information shocking the mass public.
Key words theory of journalism, Russian philosophy, ethics of journalistic activity, professional norms, values, functions of journalism
Article information
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Full articleFormation of the Foundations of Journalism Theory in Russian Philosophy of the XIX – early XX Centuries: Normative and Ethical Direction