Article name Stages of Moral Norm-Creating
Authors Sychev A.A.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Bibliographic description Sychev A. A. Stages of Moral Norm-Creating // Humanitarian Vector. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 2. PP. 54–65. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-2-54-65.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-2-54-65
UDK 17.026.2
Article type
Annotation The article discusses the main stages of moral norm-creating. The author claims that the first normative turn in history is associated with the appearance of norm-creating as such. The subject of norm-creating during this period was the community, and the mechanism of selection of norms was evolution, which contributed to the survival of groups with the most effective system of taboos. Basic prohibitions were aimed at overcoming animal instincts, and the main form of justification of norms was mythology. As a result of the second norm-creating turn, an individual making a free decision and taking responsibility for it became the subject of norm-creating. The path to norm-creating was suggested by philosophical practices of “self-care”. The third norm-creating turn was intended to return a person to a state of emotional unity with the Other, disrupted by the development of critical thinking. Religion declared that the way of reuniting with the Other was love. The increasing complexity of social interactions in modernity resulted in the last turn, which involved rational coordination of interests based on legal mechanisms. All people are recognized equal before the law and have equal rights. However, the priority of individual rights resulted in the situation when the personal interests are becoming more important than any needs and interests of society, culture, religion, nation, tradition. Contemporary morality is in a crisis situation and mankind is looking for new guidelines for the next norm-creating turn, in which the individual’s rights, while maintaining their universality, could be harmonized with the rights of social groups and society as a whole. To do this, on the one hand, it is necessary to move from legal abstractions to a specific person with a unique identity and, on the other hand, to show that in the process of making moral decisions person must take into account not only individual interests but also the interests of the group, society, humanity as a whole.
Key words norm-creating, normativity, morality, suggestion, taboo, love, human rights
Article information
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