Article name Synthesis of Logical-Verbal and Visual Thinking in the Context of Visual Rotation
Authors Smirnova N.E.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description Smirnova N. E. Synthesis of Logical-Verbal and Visual Thinking in the Context of Visual Rotation // Humanitarian Vector. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 2. PP. 95–103. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-2-95-103.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-2-95-103
UDK 101.1:316
Article type
Annotation The work is devoted to pressing issues of productive synthesis of logical-verbal and visual thinking at the beginning of the 21st century. The author presents a philosophical analysis of the perspectives of synthetic thinking in the context of visual turn taking place before our eyes. The focus is on two main issues. The first question relates to the process of substantiating the synthesis of visual and logical-verbal thinking in rational activity. In the framework of the historical approach, the process of formation and development of the theory of visualization is considered, aimed at the desire to combine the possibilities of visual and verbal thinking in the solution of intellectual, scientific, technical, and pedagogical problems in an organic equal synthesis. Particular attention is paid to the problem of specificity, correlation, continuity of the didactic principle of visualization with the theory of visualization. The second question is related to the consideration of the synthesis of visual and logical-verbal thinking in the context of the visual turn and its consequences. The visual turn marked the transition to a new qualitative state of social life, when the latter began to become increasingly a form of visual culture. The visual turn, on the one hand, once again demonstrated that the logical-verbal paradigm prevailing in theoretical and rational activity at present turned out to be ineffective in many cases. As a result of the development of information technology, the emergence of colossal volumes of information, the need arises for its rapid qualitative reflection – which is a direct prerogative of visual thinking. However, on the other hand, the visual rotation gives rise to “clip culture”, “clip thinking” which in their extremes in general are the antipodes of rational, scientific and philosophical activity of thinking. The study reveals a complex, multifaceted relationship between visualization and visual rotation, emphasizing the focus on further development towards the development and strengthening of the synthesis of visual and logical-verbal thinking in rational, scientific and philosophical activities.
Key words synthesis, logical and verbal thinking, visual thinking, visual rotation, clip thinking
Article information
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Full articleSynthesis of Logical-Verbal and Visual Thinking in the Context of Visual Rotation