Article name Union Construction in the East Siberian Producers’ Cooperation in the Late 1920s ‒ Early 1930s
Authors Makeev A.N.Candidate of History, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Makeev A. N. Union Construction in the East Siberian Producers’ Cooperation in the Late 1920s ‒ Early 1930s // Humanitarian Vector. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 3. PP. 41–47. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-3-41-47.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-3-41-47
UDK 639(571.5)
Article type
Annotation The article discusses the process of union construction in the field of the East Siberian producers’ cooperation in the late 1920s ‒ early 1930s. The object of the study is the East Siberian regional producers’ union of hunters and integral cooperatives functioning on the territory of the East Siberian region from 1930 to 1934. The reason for the appearance of Vostsibkraiokhotintegralsoyuz union was the change in state policy regarding producers’ cooperation in the late 1920s. The government tried to attract cooperators to the production of essential goods by changing the legislation, transferring companies from the state to the cooperative ownership, granting credits, etc. Changes in the administrative-territorial division of Siberia and the emergence of the East Siberian region also caused the need for uniting disparate producers’ cooperatives. For developing the research topic, the historical and systematic method was used, which with the help of structural analysis allowed us to consider the East Siberian producers’ cooperation as a part of the country’s cooperative movement. The main emphasis in the article is made on the analysis of goals and objectives of the union, its structure and staff of employees, as well as the formation of a regional network of cooperatives participating in this union. An insignificant period of activity (1930–1934) objectively does not make it possible to estimate the economic side of the development of the Vostsibkraiokhotintegralsoyuz union, however, its organizational structure, an extensive network of primary organizations and experience in this field demonstrated the high potential of this union.
Key words East Siberian region, East Siberian regional producers’ union of hunters’ and integral cooperatives, producers’ cooperation, union construction, hunters’ cooperatives, integral cooperatives
Article information
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Full articleUnion Construction in the East Siberian Producers’ Cooperation in the Late 1920s ‒ Early 1930s