Article name “Without the Past, Nowhere...” (about Scientific and Pedagogical Activity of E. V. Kovychev)
Authors Yaremchuk O.A.Candidate of History, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Yaremchuk O. A. “Without the Past, Nowhere...” (About Scientific and Pedagogical Activity of E. V. Kovychev) // Humanitarian Vector. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 3. PP. 167–175. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-3-167-175.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-3-167-175
UDK 929(092)
Article type
Annotation The article is dedicated to Evgeny Viktorovich Kovychev, a scientist, a teacher, candidate of historical sciences, an associate professor, a prominent specialist in medieval archeology of Transbaikalia. It provides some facts from the biography of Evgeny Viktorovich, gives an overview of his scientific and pedagogical activities, encloses a list of the main works. The article was prepared on the basis of his personal memoirs, interviews published in the periodical press, and the totality of scientific publications that allowed the author to present various facets of the scientist and teacher. The material is presented taking into account modern methods and principles of historical science. We show E. V. Kovychev’s significant contribution to the development of problems of the history of the medieval period in Transbaikalia and give a brief analysis of the content of his scientific works, which highlight the development of the material and spiritual culture of the population of this region during the period studied and substantiate the identification of the main archaeological cultures (Darasunskaya, Zorgolskaya and Duroiskaya). We also consider issues of local tribes’ ethnogenesis. It is emphasized that the indicated problems in the scientific research of the scientist became the main ones, starting with the preparation and defense of his candidate dissertation. The article considers E. V. Kovychev’s active participation in the work of archaeological expeditions, scientific forums and his publication of field research results, including highly rated publications. The article analyzes the teaching activities of Evgeny Viktorovich, reveals its various directions. The close relationship of his scientific interests with the courses taught at Transbaikal State University is shown. Summarizing the article, the author notes E. V. Kovychev’s contribution to the development of historical science, higher education and training of qualified teaching staff of Transbaikalia.
Key words E. V. Kovychev, scientist, teacher, archeology, Transbaikalia, the Middle Ages
Article information
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Full article“Without the Past, Nowhere...” (about Scientific and Pedagogical Activity of E. V. Kovychev)