Article name Personal Archive of a Medievalist and a Teacher: the 100th Anniversary of А. М. Sokolova
Authors Vasilieva T.G.Candidate of History, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Vasilieva T. G. Personal Archive of a Medievalist and a Teacher: the 100th Anniversary of А. М. Sokolova // Humanitarian Vector. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 3. PP. 176–182. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-3-176-182.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-3-176-182
UDK 37:001.32–057.4
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the life of Antonina Mikhailovna Sokolova (1919–2000), a medievalist and a teacher. A. M. Sokolova was the first teacher from Chita to defend a dissertation in Medieval Studies. Due to her creative pedagogical approach she earned the title of an associate professor. She was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labour for her achievements in teaching young generations and training highly qualified history teachers. The history of one of the first faculties of Chita State Pedagogical Institute can be extended by studying the activities and the role of the individual in relationships with colleagues. The continuity of traditions is traced in the scientific and pedagogical activities of the Department of History. Photos, manuscripts and other documents of A. M. Sokolova are valuable for future research. Archival documents are important sources of the history of establishment and development of the historical education in Transbaikal region.
Key words N. G. Chernyshevsky Chita State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of History and Philology, medievalist, teacher, А. М. Sokolova, personal archive, Transbaikal region
Article information
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Full articlePersonal Archive of a Medievalist and a Teacher: the 100th Anniversary of А. М. Sokolova