Article name Research Methodology of Extremism in Modern Scientific Discourse
Authors Izluchenko T.V.Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Izluchenko T. V. Research Methodology of Extremism in Modern Scientific Discourse // Humanitarian Vector. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 4. PP. 105–113. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-4-105-113.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-4-105-113
UDK 316.42:323.28
Article type
Annotation Extremism is one of the most pressing problems threatening the social and political stability of the state. The methodology of his research should include various approaches that allow us to identify the legal, social and cognitive aspects of extremist manifestations. The conclusions formulated should reflect the internal and external prerequisites for the emergence of extremist ideas, an organized form of activity, the presence of a structure, countermeasures and methods of rehabilitation of participants. Existing constructive methodological approaches and research methods of extremism are revealed in modern science. Extremism is presented as socio-political phenomenon, the illegality of which is determined by the state, based on the socially dangerous nature of the committed actions. Extremism is understood by society as deviance, given the nature of deviations from normative behavior. The article analyzes methodological approaches, the combination of which, in our opinion, is productive in the study of extremism. The degree of possible application of these methods is characterized. It is necessary to refuse to recognize the pathology of the personality of extremists as a criterion for studying because of the formation of erroneous and biased opinions. Cognitive approaches allow us to consider the behavior of extremists as rationally motivated, due to the normal functioning of the psyche and the corresponding cognitive biases. Socio-anthropological approaches help to determine the goals and objectives of the activity, the functional distribution of status roles, the specifics of behavior and thinking patterns, the characteristics of ideological attitudes, as well as the reconstruction of everyday life and social rituals. Mathematical and statistical methods help to identify patterns that can be measured, calculated, and predicted, such as the number of participants, the degree of involvement, and the level of radicalization of society. Important methodological principles include neutralizing the research position, evaluating the results objectively, and taking into account the historical and socio-political context. The methodology based on a combination of different research approaches allows developing an adequate system of counteraction against extremism and deradicalization of participants in extremist organizations.
Key words method, extremism, cognitive approach, anthropological approaches, deviance, cognitive biases, social systems
Article information
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