Article name The Place of Youth in Social Conflicts
Authors Yakovlev N.N.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 316.48
Article type
Annotation This article is dedicated to socio-philosophical analysis of the role and the place of youth in the process of social conflict. We analyze the concepts of “social conflict” and “youth” proposed by A. G. Zdravomyslov, and V. T. Lisovsky. We attempt to identify the main features of youth as a subject of conflict relations. In author’s view, the conflict potential of youth is due to two factors: psychological and physiological characteristics of a specific age and socio-cultural aspects. Any social conflict is a form of social interaction, the role of youth in this process is primarily determined by the status in society. In terms of the functions youth have in society, the author shows that a new generation can be in conflict with society. It is noted that the overwhelming number of members of extremist and terrorist organizations are young people. This shows that the young can be suggested any idea and they are ready to sacrifice their lives for an inculcated ideal. The suggested ideal, in author’s opinion, is an ideal, which is formed not by logical convictions but by suggestion. The author draws special attention to the analysis of the conflict of generations, one of the basic conditions of social progress and social evolution as a whole, where youth play a significant role. The article concludes that a high conflict potential of youth is caused by a wide variety of reasons and a comprehensive integrated approach is needed for a more detailed and in-depth analysis, where social philosophy would play a crucial role.
Key words youth, conflict, conflict of generations, society, evolution, social evolution
Article information
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