Article name Picture of the World in the Artist’s Work
Authors Feng Zongren ..Doctor of Cultural Studies
Bibliographic description Reference to the article Feng Zongren. Picture of the World in the Artist’s Work // Humanitarian Vector. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 5. PP. 79–84. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-5-79-84.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-5-79-84
UDK 708
Article type
Annotation Recently, scientists from different fields of scientific knowledge have actively turned to the analysis of social development within the framework of the picture of the world as its specific construct, the mechanism of interaction between man and society. The theoretical foundations of the research of modern scientists in the field of research are the work of the classics of philosophy, sociology, natural sciences, etc. V. von Humboldt created the concept of a picture of the world, based on the introduction of such concepts as “internal form” and “spirit of the people”.There is no universally accepted definition of the concept of “picture of the world” in science, which is explained by the dynamism of modern reality, the polysemy of the concept itself, and its inconsistency. The picture of the world is understood as a generalized image of the surrounding reality, created in the process of human perception of the world and existing in the form of scientific knowledge, concepts, laws, and everyday consciousness. The picture of the world is an objective world of two, an epistemological construct. The article assesses various approaches to the study of the picture of the world in modern scientific knowledge: philosophical, sociological, natural – scientific, etc. The levels of the picture of the world are distinguished: scientific and ordinary, their features are described. The analysis of the concept “picture of the world” in the works of modern scientists is the theoretical and methodological basis for the study of the picture of the world in art, which has its specificity and reflects the world in the minds of the creator. Creating a picture of the world in artistic creativity represents an understanding of the world around us in individual consciousness. The concept of “a picture of the world in the artist’s work” is revealed by the example of an analysis of the works of a Chinese painter Hai Zhi Han, a member of the Union of Chinese artists, a teacher at the Inner Mongolia Pedagogical University.
Key words picture of the world, creator, picture of the world in the artist’s work, anti-rationality, expressionism
Article information
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