Article name The Media Image of the North Caucasus in the Chechen Republic Mass Media as an Instrument of National Identification
Authors Evseev A.Y.Senior Lecturer
Bibliographic description Evseev A. Yu., Erofeeva I. V. The Media Image of the North Caucasus in the Chechen Republic Mass Media as an Instrument of National Identification // Humanitarian Vector. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 5. PP. 116–125. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-5-116-125.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-5-116-125
UDK 070.1; 304
Article type
Annotation The topicality of the research is caused by the totality of the modern media influence on an image of a particular territory in mass conscience. The article characterizes the system of the Chechen media as an information platform for promoting the image of the North Caucasus, and offers its image projection in the media of the Republic, taking into account the mental characteristics of the inhabitants of the region. The article aims at revealing communicative possibilities for modeling the Northern Caucasus image by the media resources of the Chechen identity. Axiology of the media image is presented through linguistic and cultural analysis based on the inseparable unity of the language and culture of the society. Our interdisciplinary research was conducted using a structural-functional approach and discourse-analysis, which allowed us to reveal format and content features of constructing and advancing the media image. Basic media image features are intended to awake a man’s cultural memory and his national identity ‒ a feeling of belonging to a socio-code meaningful for a particular territory. The conclusion can be drawn that it is necessary to fundamentally readjust the media image taking into account the characteristics of perception and expectations of the audience. We stress the importance of changes in the presentation of information materials about the region. There is a need for regular and systematic work on neutralizing the negative stereotypes and constructing the effective media image of the Northern Caucasus as an instrument for the consolidation of the population and person’s cultural identification. The dominating idea for the strategy of advancing the media image of a multiethnic region should be the real integration of territorial, ethnopolitical, economic, and sociocultural interests of the population of this mountainous region. The article materials can be important as part of basic research dealing with the main features of representation of the territorial image with different characteristics in the mass media.
Key words media image, Northern Caucasus, Chechen Republic, national identification, public opinion, image, media influence
Article information
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Full articleThe Media Image of the North Caucasus in the Chechen Republic Mass Media as an Instrument of National Identification