Article name The Theme of Repatriation of Jews from the USSR in the Soviet Media as a Manifestation of Media Propaganda in the 1970s (the Сase of the Izvestiya)
Authors Strovsky D.L.Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Researcher
Antoshin A.V.Doctor of History, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Strovsky D. L., Antoshin A. V. The Theme of Repatriation of Jews from the USSR in the Soviet Media as a Manifestation of Media Propaganda in the 1970s (the Сase of the Izvestiya) // Humanitarian Vector. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 5. PP. 135–148. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-5-135-148.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-5-135-148
UDK 070.4:930.23
Article type
Annotation This article analyzes the substantive approaches used by the Soviet press when reflecting the topic of the repatriation of Jews from the USSR to Israel in the 1970s. This period is of particular importance in the course of studying information propaganda as an independent socio-political activity aimed at the formation of a certain type of mass consciousness. During this period, information propaganda of the Soviet mass media was perceived as an essential basis for strengthening ideological and political positions of the Soviet Union by leveling the complexities of its daily life. The study of how exactly these media promoted the topic of repatriation seems to be new in the study of the information space. The disclosure of this topic through the use of extensive empirical material enables to see the patterns of development of this space at the final stage of the Soviet period, which in turn, determines the relevance of the study in modern conditions, when manipulative priorities anew have become noticeable in the practice of the Russian media. The authors envisage the editorial policy of such an influential central newspaper as Izvestia. This publication, like all the other Soviet media, was attached to propaganda priorities, which predetermined manipulative approaches when covering the topic of repatriation. In order to determine the main trends of manipulative influence, we used structural-functional and systemic methods, as well as a method of content analysis, which together afford to see the patterns of development of the Soviet print media in the disclosure of the topic presented in the title of this article. The results of the research are not only theoretically but practically oriented, since they provide understanding of effective methods of influencing the audience and using them in everyday media practice.
Key words media, Soviet ideology, propaganda, manipulation, class approach, Zionism, Jews
Article information
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Full articleThe Theme of Repatriation of Jews from the USSR in the Soviet Media as a Manifestation of Media Propaganda in the 1970s (the Сase of the Izvestiya)