Article name Symbolic Macroconcept of the Universe in the Aspect of the First Cognitive Sign in Russian Linguoculture
Authors Pimenova M.V.Doctor of Philology, Professor, Rector
Bakirova A.A.Candidate of Philology
Bibliographic description Pimenova M. V., Bakirova A. A. Symbolic Macroconcept of the Universe in the Aspect of the First Cognitive Sign in Russian Linguoculture // Humanitarian Vector. 2021. Vol. 16, No. 1. PP. 92–101. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2021-16-1-92-101.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2021-16-1-92-101
UDK 81’27
Article type
Annotation The article analyzes the cognitive signs of the macroconcept universe in Russian linguoculture. The relevance of the research is determined by the prospect of studying a new type of mental structures ‒ symbolic macroconcepts. The purpose of the article is to describe the specifics of the macroconcept universe structure formation from the standpoint of the definition of syncretic primordial signs. The main methods in the work are the historical and etymological analysis of the studied macroconcept representative, descriptive and interpretive methods. During the study, seven motivating signs of the macroconcept universe were noted: ‘earth’, ‘live’, ‘world’, ‘inhabit’, ‘inhabited’, ‘settlement’, ‘light’. All identified motivating signs are syncretic symbolic primordial signs ‘house’ (conceptum, according to V. V. Kolesov). Motivating signs express two main symbolic meanings of Russian linguoculture: home is a place where people live, settle; home is the world of people and all living beings, this world-light (unlike that world-light where the souls of the dead go: that world-light is located in the sky), it is built on earth.. The macroconcept universe is objectified by erased metaphors of a closed space (in particular, the metaphor of a key), which has an internal volume, center-middle, limits, parts, edges, corners, people live in this house, they live and exist in it, it is inhabited and settle down in Russian linguoculture. The model of the universe in the Russian language picture of the world is three-parted: the middle part in it represents the human world, in which the principle of anthropocentrism is manifested ‒ a person measures space and chooses himself as a reference point. The syncretic primary sign ‘house’ unites in itself all the motivating signs of the studied macroconcept, keeping their relevance to our days.
Key words macroconcept, motivating signs, first sign, language picture of the world, linguoculture, comparative studies
Article information
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Full articleSymbolic Macroconcept of the Universe in the Aspect of the First Cognitive Sign in Russian Linguoculture