Article name Psychological Information in the Content of a Modern Journal
Authors Grishanina A.N.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor
Angel’cheva V.V.Master Student
Bibliographic description Grishanina A. N., Angel’cheva V. V. Psychological Information in the Content of a Modern Journal // Humanitarian Vector. 2021. Vol. 16, No. 1. PP. 167–176. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2021-16-1-167-176.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2021-16-1-167-176
UDK 81/27
Article type
Annotation The article is the result of a study of the significance of expert psychological information, as well as information of a socio-psychological plan for journalistic materials; the work was carried out by the editorial office of Gatchinskaya Pravda newspaper (Leningrad Oblast). Psychological information in the media as an object of linguistic research has not been studied previously, the novelty of the work lies in the psycho-linguistic обapproach to the study of the question and to attempt correlation comparative studies of the authors with the study of peculiarities of perception of media texts of the contemporary audience. The article deals with verbal forms of social and psychological information presentation in the media, mainly in journal publications as a form of dialogue or monologue with the reader on a certain topic; the reasons for the audience’s access to psychological information in a modern magazine and the intent of the demand for texts containing such information are studied. To do this, we first studied the level of readers’ awareness of the types and forms of media information, as well as the degree of demand for knowledge of a socio-psychological orientation. The main object of research is language markers of psychological information. The relevance of the topic is explained by the great interest of magazine readers, as shown by media ratings, to psychological information. As part of the study of modern psychological techniques of media influence, the authors analyzed the results of research by psychologists and psychiatrists, who state an increase in the level of anxiety in the current psychological and emotional state of people. Doctors associate the causes of some anxiety disorders with the consumption of media information, the imposition of advice, recommendations, and lifestyle at the angle of presentation as psychological information. The article describes the results of media research; it is noted that information of a socio-psychological plan plays an important role in shaping the audience’s worldview and has a socio-psychological impact on it. The features and types of this influence are considered; the results of surveys of magazine readers are given, since the magazine is one of the mass media that publishes analytical and informative materials. The authors make an attempt to explain a certain degree of obsession with psychological information to the reader in the media; they indicate the reasons identified in the course of research for this communicative psychological strategy, bordering on and sometimes directly related to the manipulative actions of the author or publisher.
Key words media text, mass communication media, personality, language tools, psycholinguistics, information, psychological information
Article information
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Full articlePsychological Information in the Content of a Modern Journal