Article name Digital Content of Modern Media as a Sphere for the Formation of Digital Etiquette in the Context of Transmedia
Authors Marfitsyna A.R.Lecturer
Bibliographic description Marfitsyna A. R. Digital Content of Modern Media as a Sphere for the Formation of Digital Etiquette in the Context of Transmedia // Humanitarian Vector. 2021. Vol. 16, No. 1. PP. 177–184. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2021-16-1-177-184.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2021-16-1-177-184
UDK 659.44+070.34
Article type
Annotation The topicality of the article is determined by the fact that it examines the specifics of modern digital content in the context of the transformation processes, which take place in modern media in the context of transmedia that influence the formation of digital etiquette. The rapid development of the technical and technological components of communication contributes to the constant transformation of digital etiquette and this is one of the problems of modern transmedia space, which actualizes the identification of the content features of digital content, the role of the axiological component of modern media materials, the definition of effective ways of their representation that corresponds with the needs of the modern digital audience. The aim of the research is to describe the key characteristics of digital content in modern media that promote the formation of digital etiquette. The novelty of the article is in the concept analysis of print media, television and radio broadcasting in the context of transmedia according to the approach of the general key characteristics of the current digital content that contribute to the formation of digital etiquette and have the prospect of further research. The methodological basis was the scientific works of media theorists in Russian and foreign scientific communities. During the work on the article in the field of researching the content of modern mass media and the transformation processes that take place in the media, the author used the methods of analysis and comparison, the synthesis method was applied in terms of discussing the research results, formulating conclusions. The results of the research show that today not only adaptation in the digital environment is required but also close integration with all processes of the digital development of society is necessary for the successful functioning of modern media. The typical key features for modern digital content, which are the environment for the formation of digital etiquette, were identified during the research. It includes the ability to consume content through various gadgets; creation of interactive materials that satisfy the demands of a certain audience and give the right to participate in the creation of content and to choose it; the creation of complex multi-component materials that are endowed with the features of the project and also the transmedia narrative pattern. The article represents the interest to practicing journalists, as well as to researchers in the sphere of development of digital journalism, transmedia storytelling, digital content features and digital etiquette.
Key words journalism, digital content, mass media transformation, transmedia, storytelling, digital etiquette
Article information
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Full articleDigital Content of Modern Media as a Sphere for the Formation of Digital Etiquette in the Context of Transmedia