Article name Human Body as an Object of the Biological and Medical Technologies: Philosophical and Ethical Aspects
Authors Izutkin D.A.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Bibliographic description
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-2-76-81
UDK 316:1:616
Article type
Annotation At the beginning of the article, the brief history of interpretations of the body and bodily practices in the epoch of Antiquity and attitudes toward human body as an object of medical and scientific interferences over different periods of the foundation of medicine as a science is given. It is emphasized that maximal scientific and medical objectivization and psychosomatic transformation of the body as a result of influences of medical technologies have been taking place in the 20th-21st centuries. During the same period, it was an increased contradiction between scientific and technological progress in medicine, the development of biomedical technologies, in particular, their invasions into the bodily space and philosophical reflections on the subject of bodily selfness, uniqueness of human nature and self-identification of the individual as a personality. It is stressed that as a result of different bodily reconstructions, an individual during the period of time mentioned above more and more perceives disintegration of his spiritual and bodily unity and relation to human gender. It is mentioned that besides philosophical judgments this problem has necessarily demanded elaboration of the range of formal ethical statements. In the context of the current article, an attention is drawn, in particular, to the rule of the informed consent of the patient / subject and its contradictive character is disclosed. It is indicated that the problem of technological interference into the bodily space of the individual, in the meantime, has an interdisciplinary character and biomedicine more and more carries out functions of the institute of social control, influencing biological nature of a human. In this respect, a judgment is spoken out that modern biomedical science, especially with its further tendencies and perspectives of its development must be penetrated with anthropological plot and, above all, treat inviolability and dignity of human personality with respect.
Key words body, object, philosophy, biomedical technologies, ethics, selfness, self-identification, rule of the informed consent
Article information
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Full articleHuman Body as an Object of the Biological and Medical Technologies: Philosophical and Ethical Aspects