Article name Formation of the Concept of “Regional Security” in the History of World Philosophical Thought
Authors Zhukov A.V.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Kononov S.V.Candidate of Philosophy
Bibliographic description Zhukov A. V., Kononov S. V. Formation of the Concept of “Regional Security” in the History of World Philosophical Thought // Humanitarian Vector. 2021. Vol. 16, No. 2. PP. 103–110. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853- 2021-16-2-103-110.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2021-16-2-103-110
UDK 21 (316.7)
Article type
Annotation The relevance of the article is due to the increasing importance of the regional security factor in modern conditions, where the level of regional self-awareness and the desire for relative autonomy are growing within the framework of the general process of developing the security system. The article is devoted to the analysis of the security concepts existing in the history of philosophy in order to identify the evolution of ideas about “regional security”. The study uses comparative, systemic and hermeneutic methods, the action of which is aimed at identifying aspects of regional security in texts devoted to the problems of state, national and public security. The novelty of the research is associated with the development of the idea of the evolution of ideas about regional security from abstract ideas to various aspects of regional practice. The result of the study is evidence that, being originally one of the aspects of general management theory, the ideas of regional security at the end of the twentieth century became the core of the concept of “regional security complexes”. The next result was the substantiation that modern criticism of this concept is the basis of the theoretical constructions of regional security in the 21st century, which are based on a synthesis of ideas about the need to adopt rules adopted by states that support the stability of world security and the influence of regions with their own interests. The conclusion of the study is to assert that modern concepts of regional security are based on the synthesis of methodologies of the systemic and constructivist approaches. This methodology is used to substantiate the assertion that any state is forced to deal with the security problems of its regions, to pay attention to the existing threats and regional interests in them, which may be of a constructive nature and may pose a real danger associated with challenges from the political, economic, military, environmental, and social spheres.
Key words regional security, philosophical discourse of security, state security, national security, social security, theory of regional security complexes
Article information
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Full articleFormation of the Concept of “Regional Security” in the History of World Philosophical Thought