Article name Socio-Cultural Adaptation of Migrants and New Types of Identity
Authors Dumnova E.M.Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Dumnova E. M. Socio-Cultural Adaptation of Migrants and New Types of Identity // Humanitarian Vector. 2021. Vol. 16, No. 2. PP. 111–116. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2021-16-2-111-116.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2021-16-2-111-116
UDK 316.4+314.74:1
Article type
Annotation The article considers the problem of migrant identity transformation in the globalizing sociocultural space. Globalization has determined new social development tendencies and prospects, including the modern nomadism. International migration is caused by a set of determining factors and forms a multi-layered and multifaceted sociocultural phenomenon studied by a number of humanities. The article substantiates methodological usefulness of studying migration and its sociocultural implications within the framework of the multidisciplinary approach. The formation of the new migrant identity types is presented as a dichotomy of transnationalism and assimilation. The broadening of the lifespace due to migration practices causes replacement of the traditional national identity by new identity types, transnational identity becoming the most widespread. The uniqueness of the transnational identity lies in its universalism, ability of the agent to identify with different cultures and peoples simultaneously. Transnationalism is more characteristic for Western societies, while assimilation as a type of sociocultural adaptation typical for the countries of the East. The Eastern culture and mentality are less flexible and striving for self-preservation they assimilate foreign cultural elements, while preserving their own uniqueness and distinctiveness. A special identity type, the drifting identity, taking shape within the second generation immigrants is highlighted in the article. The socio-philosophical analysis carried out in the article makes it possible to ascertain the existence of the socio-spatial identity integrating various identity types.
Key words migration, nomadism, identity, determinants of migration, transnationalism, assimilation, sociocultural space
Article information
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Full articleSocio-Cultural Adaptation of Migrants and New Types of Identity