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Article name | Ontological and Anthropological Aspects of the “Hermeneutic Circle” |
Authors | Darenskiy V.Y.Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor |
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UDK | 123.1: 130.2 |
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Annotation | The article examines the ontological and anthropological aspects of the “hermeneutic circle”, which is usually hidden behind its external, “instrumental” arrangements associated with the hermeneutics of cultural-historical phenomena. This level is of particular interest for the understanding of the “hermeneutic circle” as a structure of consciousness that defines the very subjectivity of thinking. The subjectivity of thinking will be defined as its ability to ground to its own limits, i. e. a self-transformation resulting from the movement in the “circle” of self-interpretation. The author applies the method of existential analysis of the structures of consciousness which reveals the ontological structure of subjectivity and their explication in the culture and self-reflection of man. In particular, the example processes of creating new meanings in the culture and shows their source in a priori structures of consciousness and their correlation with the unknowable. The “hermeneutic circle” causes the mind to make the effort, generating redundancy sense parts of a whole, but also redundancy of meaning of the whole against its parts. Ontological and anthropological aspects of understanding of the “hermeneutic circle”, hiding his more familiar “shells” in the form of procedures of hermeneutic interpretation of texts, important primarily for understanding the subjectivity as a way of self-realization of man in the world. In those aspects, the essence of human freedom reveals not in its external social manifestations in the area of internal efforts of the consciousness development of their own potential semantic space. |
Key words | hermeneutic circle, consciousness, subject, meaning, meta-meaning |
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Full article | Ontological and Anthropological Aspects of the “Hermeneutic Circle” |