Article name The Project of the Yakut Regional Head N. I. Myagkov on the Arrangement of the Udsky Territory (the 1820s)
Authors Vasiliev A.D.Junior Researcher
Bibliographic description Vasiliev A. D. The Project of the Yakut Regional Head N. I. Myagkov on the Arrangement of the Udsky Territory (the 1820s) // Humanitarian Vector. 2021. Vol. 16, No. 3. PP. 15–23. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2021- 16-3-15-23.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2021-16-3-15-23
UDK 94(571.56)“18”
Article type
Annotation For the first time in Russian history, on the basis of archival documents, the article examines the proposals of the regional chief Nikolai Ivanovich Myagkov on the arrangement of the transboundary region in the east of the Russian Empire ‒ the Udsky Territory of the Yakutsk Oblast (1827), which was adjacent to the Chinese possessions. The border position of the territory gave a special status, the region was characterized by a specific community. The relevance of the topic is due to modern issues of cross-border regionalization and, in general, a poor degree of knowledge of the history of the Udsky region of the pre-revolutionary period. The research is based on the principles of historicism and scientific objectivity, as well as historical-systemic and historical-comparative methods. The prerequisites and problems of reforming the region are analyzed, the role of N. I. Myagkov and an official for special assignments A. Y. Uvarovsky in the preparation of the project. The earlier submitted proposals of the Irkutsk authorities (1825) on the development of the Udsky region and the project of the Yakut manager (1827) in a comparative aspect are considered. We note that the project of the latter was characterized by a detailed understanding of the particular problems of the remote region. The mechanism of multilevel discussion of the project is highlighted, which is associated with the complexity of the management structure of the Yakutsk region. The author notes that the transformation of the region took place in the context of the implementation of M. M. Speransky\'s Siberian reforms of 1822, in particular with the aim of increasing government revenues, where the main focus was on limiting the abuse of local ministers and policies towards the aboriginal population. Given the special situation in the region, the project attached great importance to Russian-Manchu trade and economic relations. The Siberian Committee was engaged in strict regulation of the observance of the principles of the reform of 1822, in particular, the provisions of the “Charter on the management of indigenous peoples”. Strengthening personal supervision is seen as one of the main methods of the regional chief in solving problems of the local region. In conclusion, the prospects for further study of the presented topic are determined.
Key words regional chief, N. I. Myagkov, project, arrangement, Udsky Ostrog, outskirts of the Russian Empire, Yakutsk Oblast
Article information
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Full articleThe Project of the Yakut Regional Head N. I. Myagkov on the Arrangement of the Udsky Territory (the 1820s)